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1. 你现在就读哪个学校? 或你是从哪个学校毕业的?

Which school did you graduate from?

2. 你现在就读的专业是什么? 或你毕业的专业是什么?

What was your major?

3. 你读的课程级别是什么?

Give the academic level of your course.

4. 你在这个学校学制是怎样的? 从何时到何时?

Please tell me the start and end dates for your course of study.

5. 请列举至少三门你学过的课程。

List at least three courses you' ve learned.

6. 你认为你学过的课程里面哪门课程最有意思?

Among the courses you have learned, which is the most interesting one?

7. 你有特殊的学习经历么?比如长时间的空档期?

Do you have any special learning experience? Like a gap year?

8. 你有出国学习经历么?

Do you have experience studying abroad?

9. 你学校的地点在哪里?

Where is your University located in the UK.

10. 你总共学了多少门课?

How many courses have you learned?

11. 你的雅思成绩如何?

What is your IELTS score?

12. 雅思成绩的单项呢?

How is the score in each part of your IELTS.

13. 你认为自己对这个专业感兴趣么?

Are you interested in your major?

14. 你认为自己的雅思成绩反映了你的英语能力么?

Do you think your IELTS score reflects your English language ability?

15. 你的成绩单是真实的么?

 Is your transcript original?


1. 你将去哪个英国学校读书?

Give me the full name of your University in the UK.

2. 你要读的专业是什么? 请告诉我准确的专业名称。

What is the title of your course?

3. 你有认识的人已经在这所学校读书吗?

Do you know anyone who has already studied at this University?

4. 你对你要选择的专业了解么?请列举三门你以后要学的专业课程?

Tell me something about your major. Please list three modules you are going to study.

5. 你的专业课程学制和开学时间?

How long will you study in UK and when will your program begin?

6. 专业课程学费是多少?你有支付押金么?如果支付的话,支付了多少?

How much is your tuition fee? Have any of your course fees been paid?

7. 你的专业课程录取条件是什么?

What are the conditions of your course?

8. 你需要就读语言课程么?

Do you need to attend Pre-sessional English course?

9. 请告诉我准确的语言课程全称。

Please give me the full name of your course of study.

10. 你的语言课程开学时间和学制?

When does your course begin and how long does it take?

11. 专业课程学费是多少?你有支付押金么?如果支付的话,支付了多少?

How much does your undergraduate program cost? Have you paid any deposit in advance? How much?

12. 上完语言课程后你需要重新考雅思么?

Do you have to resit IELTS after this Pre-sessional English course?

13. 你上完本科后还想读研究生么?

Are you planning on further study in the UK on completion of this course?

14. 你的专业课程是如何考评的?

How is your course assessed?

15. 你以后想在硕士阶段读什么专业?

Which major do you intend to study in your postgraduate stage?

16. 有没有比较感兴趣的硕士院校?

Do you have any favorable Universities?


1. 你为什么选择去英国留学?

Why do you want to study in the UK?

2. 在中国也有本科或硕士课程,你为什么不选择继续在中国学习呢?

There are so many Universities in China, why don't you continue to study here?

3. 有没有考虑过别的国家留学?

Have you ever considered to study in any other countries?

4. 你为什么选择这个学校?

Why do you choose this University?

5. 有没有申请过别的学校?

Which other Universities have you considered?

6. 为什么选择这个专业?

Who do you choose this major?

7. 你以后希望继续在硕士专业就读这个专业么?

Do you intend to continue studying this major during your master program?

8. 这个专业是你真正感兴趣的么?

Are you really interested in this major?

9. 你毕业以后的打算是怎样的?

Tell me your plan after graduation.

10. 你会希望在英国找工作和长期生活么?

Do you plan to seek employment or live in the UK after you have completed your studies?

11. 给我一个你以后会回国的理由;

Give me one reason that you will come back to China.


1. 你在英国第一年的花费大概会是多少?

How much do you expect you will have to spend each year in the UK?

2. 语言课程学费多少?本科课程学费多少?第一一年生活费多少?

How much is your Pre-sessional English course? How much is your undergraduate course? How much have you prepared to cover maintenance for the first year?

3. 你总共计划在英国学几年,总共的花费大概会是多少?

How long will you study in the UK and how much money do you expect to spend?

4. 你现在准备了多少资金或存款作为担保?

How much money have you prepared for your study?

5. 这些存款现在你名下么?

Are these deposits under your own name?

6. 这些存款的来源是?

How do you get this money?

7. 你认为这些存款够你支持你在英国完整的学习经历么?

Do you think this money could cover all your fees in the UK?

8. 如果不够的话,怎么办? 通过奖学金还是打工还是其他什么途径?

If not, what is your plan? Have you any scholarship?

9. 你的父母工作情况如何?

What do your parents do?

10. 你的父母年收入情况如何?

How much do your parents earn each year?

11. 请告诉我你父母所在的单位名称。

Please tell me the company name in which your parents work.

12. 请告诉我你父母的职务。

Please tell me the profession of your parents.

13. 你说你父母经营私有企业,那企业规模你知道么?

You have mentioned that your parents own a private company, do you know the scale of this company?

14. 你认为你的英国留学计划会给你的家庭带来沉重的经济负担么?

Do you think your study plan in the UK will be a financial burden for your family?

15. 你在英国期间打算工作吗?如果是,这对你支付课程费,住宿费和学费是必要的吗?

Do you intend to work while in the UK? If so, is this necessary for you to be able to pay for your course, accommodation and living costs?

标签: 集锦 英国 面签
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